Energy Australia is one of Australia’s biggest energy retailers. They see their responsibility as ensuring their customers have a renewable energy supply and shielding them from shocks such as the current energy crisis. In part, the current challenges result from heavy rains and geological issues slowing the domestic coal supply.
Energy Australia has a two-phase plan to transition its energy to more renewable energy. Stage 1 was to support the current grid with renewables; phase two was to expand the current grid capabilities with renewables. Energy Australia approached Valen with a request to support their geological monitoring sites. These sites were currently solar-based. Their current problem that needed solving was to support the sites with low solar output. Whatever option they went with also needed to be a ‘green’ alternative and needed to have the capability to be slab or skid mounted.
Valen Products
- Hyland 920 Wind Turbine
The Valen team saw an opportunity to introduce Energy Australia to the benefits of wind power. The Hyland 920 wind turbine was the perfect choice to meet the job requirements. A wind turbine can utilise the existing power infrastructure while supporting low solar locations. In addition, generally, solar locations are in elevated positions free from buildings or trees nearby, allowing the customer to harness the power of wind
The team at Energy Australia appreciated the ease of installation at the existing site, and were enjoying the benefits of wind power immediately. The option was cost-effective, was compatible with the existing solar infrastructure, increased the current supply of solar power and met Energy Australia’s requirement of being environmentally friendly.